Price is for ONE (1) seat on the bus to Nashville. This seat comes with a ticket to the game in the reserved Away Supporters Section.
(If you have tickets already but are taking the bus, please note that in the purchase comments so a ticket is not held for you.)
Time for departure is TBD, but likely around noon. Depart from either the Metro garage that was used for CHI (Highway 40/Hanley) or South County Mall, depending on bus company preferences. Return immediately after the game. DO NOT BE LATE. If you are not at the bus at time of departure WE WILL NOT WAIT. When purchasing ticket(s), make sure the email entered is current; any updates on the trip will be sent to that email address.
One per person. Only acceptable multi-seat purchase is spouse/family/significant other/traveling partners. Be reasonable. You buy 8 tickets and they’re not all sharing a last name, it’s cancelled. Anything shady will be cancelled.
No refunds. Let us know if you can’t go; we likely can find someone to pick it up, but we DO need to know if you can’t go so we’re not waiting on you.
(At Checkout, please put the name of said partner in crime in the Additional Info box. This isn’t hard to do.)
Bus will depart from location at specific time. There will be appropriate stops for bathroom/snacks/smoking/etc. EFFICIENCY is key. We will not wait if you’re sightseeing at rest stops.
There is a restroom on the buses. ABSOLUTELY NO #2 ON THE BUS.
Bring snacks, beverages (adult and non-adult are fine), whatever. You WILL be responsible for your own messes. (see below)
We don’t know where we’re parking for this yet. Will update as we know more. (Specific location to come later.)
Then gametime. Don’t be a dick. Follow the rules laid out. The week before, there will be a conference call where Nashville will share expectations. This will be emailed out same day. This email will also contain these instructions and any more to be communicated.
ONCE THE GAME IS OVER, we will be escorted out of the stadium to our buses. This is not the time to go to the team store, or meet friends. We get to the bus, we get on the buses, we go home.
By purchasing this ticket you agree to not be a jerk. We are representatives of the team. Follow the rules of the host stadium, partake in lively #banter without anger or aggressive behavior, and generally act semi-civilized. We will have a roll of duct tape to hogtie and silence anyone that goes too far. That’s not an exaggeration.
We reserve the right to revoke bus privileges prior to departure.
The buses will not be numbered in memory of #Bus2. They will be named instead. Any repeated Bus2 jokes will be punishable with a fine.
We are serious when we ask you to clean up after yourselves. The ticket price does not include housekeeping. Everyone on the Chicago trip did a great job! There’s trash bags, paper towels, etc. No reason to leave a mess. We are serious when we say that if there is a mess and we know who it was, you’ll not be allowed to take a bus again, and if there’s a cleaning fee, we’re going to ask you to pay it. It’s all about being a decent person who is respectful of others on the buses while having a great time.