Ticket for Forward Madison vs Ft Lauderdale CF 7/24/21

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Ticket for Forward Madison vs Ft Lauderdale CF 7/24/21


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As the pandemic restrictions are lifting slowly for those that are vaccinated, our first trip as the wandering Louligans is scheduled!

This purchase entitles you to a ticket to the Forward Madison Game on 7/24/21 at 7pm, taking place at historic Breese Stevens Field in Madison, Wisconsin. Time to rock those drip kits and gravy boats!

This is ONLY for a ticket; there is no bus or arranged transportation or hotel. The national vaccinated rate is at 50% and it’s still too early to arrange confinement in a sealed metal tube.

Tickets are limited; we will try to get more if demand is there. This is a virtual purchase; once tickets are acquired from FMFC, we will distribute.

PLEASE only purchase if you are making arrangements to go. Purchasing one if you *think* you might go hurts other Louligan chances at going.