Hey everyone. It’s been a while since we’ve shared a new Living Louligan article. We invite any member- new or old to share their story about a match or an event or any aspect of their Louligan experience. This time a new member, Joshua Sanders, reached out to talk about his first time at an STL CITY SC game and how it felt to jump in with both feet. First with his son, and then doubling down with a bus trip with his whole family. I hope you enjoy Josh’s story and it encourages you to come out and have some fun with us. If you’d like to share your story you can always reach out to info@stlouligans. We hope you’ll Show Up. Have Fun. And Make Noise with us soon. Brad
Attending a St Louis City soccer game with my 12-year-old son was an unforgettable experience. It was our first game, we were a little hesitant about what to expect, but the moment we arrived at Schlafly’s the environment immediately pulled us in. Instantly soaking in the culture of the club. We knew right away this was for us!
During the game, we were thrilled to see City win 5-1, but what made the experience even more special was the electric atmosphere in the supporter’s section. The chants, the flags, and the energy of the fans were truly unreal. My son was completely blown away by the passion of the Louligans and how they cheered on the team with so much fervor. He was also amazed by the creativity of the chants and how they had been tailored specifically for St Louis. It just made it that much easier to jump into!
One of the most highlight moments of the game was how inclusive and welcoming the Louligans were to my son. They made sure he was involved in the chants and made him feel like he was a part of the group, not just some kid. Bob the shirtless guy will forever be etched in his brain! The love and support he received from the fans were so genuine and authentic that it solidified his loyalty to the club and the group. As a parent, it was awesome to see that fire start on its own without the old man pushing it on him.
After the game we just continued talking about the environment and couldn’t wait for another opportunity to join in on the fun. Shortly after the trip to Chicago was announced ,signing the whole family up for the trip was a must. The wife was pretty skeptical at first but then again, the environment and passion of the group engulfed both her and my daughter. Meeting everyone and cheering on the team with passion at every turn has taken over and I wish we wouldn’t have waited to get involved!
Overall, the experience we had at the St Louis City game and the trip with the Louligans was nothing short of amazing. The St Louligans supporters group went out of their way to make us feel welcome, and we were blown away by the energy and passion they carried. The Sanders family is now lifelong St Louligans, eagerly anticipating our next game or event. We’re excited to continue supporting our team and love being a part of this incredible community.