Start time: 7:00 PM CT
Watch party at Kirkwood Station Brewing
105 E Jefferson Ave, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Opponent’s Record: 4-6-2
Home Record: 3-1-2
7th place
Last Results: Loss, 1-0 vs Phoenix Rising
Matthew Bird provides insight to the midweek game from the road:
If you think for one minute that after my Twitter rant when we played to a timid 1-0 loss to Louisville midweek that I would still pack up the Minivan and drive 1000 miles to watch us play in Colorado then you’d be absolutely right.
Granite City’s Steve Trittschuh is the coach there and saw early success in his tenure but things seem to have fallen flat the last 18 months.
This is a winnable game against a beatable team. We simply cannot lay another goose egg. The field is turgid, the altitude sucks.
Division 2 American soccer, let’s go.
Latest This is SiLLy! Podcast: https://stlouligans.com/archives/3387
Saint Louis FC sits in 9th at 3-2-5
How to watch: KPLR (channel 11), ESPN+