I was pretty down after the Swope Park defeat. So instead of dwelling, I tried to recall the good things that make supporting this club (or soccer in general) worthwhile. Sure, we support our team no matter; however I wanted to hear what other people remembered. I wanted a highlight, a player, an event, a moment of a game, something off the field the past 18 months that stood out for you too. I have been overwhelmed, This will most likely be a weekly series as I received so many. They bring back great memories for me and I hope you too.
At the beginning of the season, some friends invited me to a game and I was hesitant to go but ended up caving in. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a while! My first STLFC was against Tulsa. I was amazed by the fans and the team. I was speechless when the fans lined the field and the guys came over to shake hands, take pictures and sign autographs. I stood in St. Louligan section in awe. I never experienced that before and was hooked after that. I haven’t missed a home game since then and have made two road trips. I feel like family when I’m at a STLFC game, whether home or away, and words cannot describe how grateful I am to be apart of this club! From experiencing emotions and chanting in the stands to hanging out with a few of you at happy hour, you guys are truly amazing! ~ Kate Vohsen
The best recent memory for me has to be STLFC’s open cup match against Sporting KC. From songs and drinking games on the bus ride to outdoing their fans in their own stadium, it was the most fun I’d had for a soccer match since the AOSTL trip to KC in 2013. Even though we lost, I’ll never forget how well the boys kept up with what was arguably a far superior side. Hosting a US men’s WC qualifier in our hometown was a very close second. I am told we put on the best tailgate ever for that game and I couldn’t be more proud. Cheers to the Louiligans and AOSTL! ~ Adam Burkard

Soccer has been the center of my life since moving back to St. Louis in 2013, but nothing compared to 2015. From World Cup qualifiers to the inaugural year of STLFC it’s been a great year for me and the beautiful game. But my best moment was when I finally got to sit in the crowd with my fellow Liverpool fans and watch a match at Anfield, live in person. I have been a fan since I was in high school. I had dreamed of going to Liverpool and seeing a match in person. I saw all my friends going over and seeing them so when I had the chance I took it. Sitting in the stands across from the Kop and hearing the entire stadium signing You’ll Never Walk Alone, was the best moment of my life. Win or lose no one could take away that single moment that still gives me chills. ~ Karen Montgomery

A “Favorite Moment” is tough to pick. Our inaugural game at Louisville, the Minnesota game in 2015, Sporting away and just the bus rides themselves were all great moments, but I would have to say the 1st home game. No-one really knew what to expect. How big would the crowd be? Would they be loud? There was a lot of anxiety and excitement leading up to the game… Then we marched in. I remember getting to Section 8 and turning around to see St. Louligan’s still marching in from the other side of the field. It seemed like an endless stream. It was at that moment I looked at Mitch and just smiled. It had been a long time coming. From AC folding, to following the Lions, Piasa, Fire and Ice, and Bordo FC, I’m glad I met these people because that moment, as people keep filing in… that was perfect. ~ Jason Patrylo

I have loved soccer in the US since the late 70’s with Cruyff, Pele, and Cubillas. I will be convinced of the love of the game in the newer cities like Cincinnati, Sacramento and Louisville when they don’t move up to MLS and still support their sides passionately. Then I will know that soccer has really found a home in the US.