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Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit
Too much alliteration, sorry… The gang have Andi Gebhart back on the show…we think she’s the most capped guest now….
SLSG Director, USMT defender and Captain, Steve Pecher Joins the Guys! Steve seemed to be the first guest enthused about…
And by “Shop”, we mean soccer. There’s a few updates from Jeremy Alumbaugh, GM of STLFC. The guys discuss…
Brad is “sick”. Besides mentally. So Mitch and Bird hold down the fort with Andi Gebhart and Ryan Smith from…
But there’s still plenty to talk about! Brad, Mitch, and Bird talk about the end of the Bordo and Fire…
The guys discuss the World Cup. A lot. Questions get answered, USL PDL discussion, and more fun stuff coming from…
So who’s gonna take the coverage to the next level? GM Jeremy Alumbaugh! We sit down with Jeremy Alumbaugh, the…