Have You Seen My Scarf?
When you go to a soccer match, what’s the most iconic item that marks you as a supporter? It’s the scarf. Not only can it be draped around your shoulders or hung from your belt, but when held aloft with the rest of the group it makes a statement. A mini tifo presentation all its own. True, in the St. Louis summer where temperatures hover near 100 degrees a scarf isn’t always a necessary wardrobe choice. They’re more at home in the European winter schedules, but they’ve come to symbolize a fan’s relationship with his or her club and supporters group.
It’s been a couple years since we’ve released a new scarf, but we’ve added new members and lost old ones so its time to offer a new model. Designed by members of the group and being produced by Global Scarves UK, this new scarf celebrates our ability to affect a match by getting into the opponents head. Like the iconic video game Space Invaders we keep coming at you until you’re done. No matter how well you play, in the end we will get you. We’ve also included a nod to Louligan extrordinaire Rocko by adding his motto- “PWICB” on the scarf. For those not in the know that’s Party With Ice Cold Beers. A sentiment we can all get behind.
This year’s scarf is available for pre-order by sending a payment of $15 each via PayPal to treasury@stlouligans.com ($5 extra if you need it mailed to you). If you don’t pre-order, the price will be $20 each after they arrive. The scarf will act as your membership in the St. Louligans for this season and allow you to purchase a discounted supporter season ticket to the St. Louis Lions games and get you a spot in the new Supporter’s Section. More info on the season ticket package will be released when it becomes available. There will be a limited amount of scarves available after the pre-order. Again, those will be $20/each and will be available at Lions games while supplies last. We will not hold or reserve scarves. If you want to be sure to get one, pre-order yours and save a little money in the process.
When the scarves are ordered we will schedule a party to hand out the goods, prepare for the Lions season and have a few beers at one of our local drinking establishments. A representative from the Lions will be on hand to sell Louligan season passes that day.
In addition to the Lions, we wear our scarves to Illinois Piasa games and hopefully will be wearing them to the new WPSL teams in town- The St. Louis Defenders and Fire & Ice Soccer Club. We hope to see you at a game this summer and we hope to see you wearing our fresh new scarf.