Our loyal podcast listeners may have heard the beginnings of #PizzaGate on the AMA episode with Jeremy Alumbaugh, GM of STLFC. In that episode Jeremy was talking about some of the different places the team has visited and how some teams were better than others at taking care of obligations. He let slip that on our first trip to Louisville the team was only provided a couple cold pizzas as their post game meal. That’s not cool. This became a bit of a back and forth about what STLFC provided for LCFC. We may never truly know what happened post game on either occasion, but in my heart I know that Saint Louis FC is a class organization and that Louisville City is pissing on our hospitality. But that’s neither here nor there.
The Coopers are the Supporters Group for Louisville City FC. One of their members, @77_Dredd decided the best way to make up for the slight was to start a Go Fund Me page to buy food to bring to our tailgate party when they visit on 9/19 for the last game of our USL regular season. As anyone who’s been to one of the Louligan tailgate parties knows, we’re never short of good food or drink. The tailgate czars and their underlings (Mark, Erich, Britney, Marcus, Sarah, Malia, Andi, et. al) do an amazing job each and every home game. The final game of the season is going to be the mother of all tailgates and we’ll even have enough food for the Coopers that travel. We’ll share our beverages as always, but the last time they came to town some Coopers were very ungrateful. We will require a please and thank you for drinks this time.
Anyway, I told Dredd on twitter that instead of raising money for food for the Louligans we should make this a contest for charity. So, we’ve started our own Go Fund Me page. All the money we raise from now until 9/19 will go to the St. Louis Area Foodbank. We usually play a charity game against American Outlaws St. Louis in January to raise money/food for them and they always appreciate our donations. So let’s feed some hungry people again. The Coopers will be picking a similar charity in Louisville to donate their money to. Everybody wins. We’re all heroes.
Now on the field we’ll still have to beat them, but we’ve always maintained that great fans can be civil and share a drink & a laugh pre & post game. On 9/19 we’ll raise a glass to the efforts that both groups are making to make the world a better place even in a small way. After that we’ll play the final installment of the 2015 Kings Cup rivalry and talk about each other’s mothers.
So, go to our page and donate. Share our campaign on Social Media. Get your friends to contribute. You know the deal. We’ve provided some awesome rewards to encourage you. Let’s raise more money than the Coopers because everything is a competition.